Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Down goes 900m, down goes 900m, down goes 900m!

Ok, so it doesn't rank up with the climactic ending of the Sunshine Showdown (Foreman vs. Frazier), but no less momentous, for me anyhow.  I just knocked out the fabled 900m workout, and a week ago I was definitely an underdog.  I don't think anyone will be calling me Mr. Foreman anytime soon, but I did feel like the "Big Man" as I got out of the pool.

howard cosell sound bite

For any of you who are wondering what all the hoopla is about--and there is a bit much of it, the swim portion of the Philly Sprint Tri in June is 900m. Granted I have to do it all at once, through a crowd of crazy Tri-ers or whatever they (we?) are called, in open water, but I will savor my victory. 

It was a little sloppy and the muscles were screaming by the end, but it feels great. I did 2 X 350 yards and finished with a 200 and a 150. My reward is likely to be another migraine, but until it hits, it was totally worth it.  Totally neglected Cobra attack on the water, and even "over a barrel" today, and I was reaching too much and lopsided, but I got it done.  Next workout will be focused on technique--I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to be there when you do the 900 straight through.
