Saturday, November 28, 2009

Swimming like an Ostrich

I don't remember exactly how it came up, but at a party last night my ability to swim was compared (favorably?) to that of an ostrich.  I immediately regreted not calling the new version of my blog Ostrich at Sea or something along those lines, because that's how out of place I feel.  The support staff "kind enough" to track down this video, which bears a startling resemblance to my swimming, particularly in how far I  prefer having my head out of the water:

The video also does a nice job of capturing the cruelty to animals aspect of an ostrich swimming, which has its analog in my case as well.  The only difference is that rather than being tortured by drunken ex-pats, it is the tyranny of my own stubbornness that pushes me into the pool day after day.

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